Not So Big Remodeling

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Jennie Lloyd

Not So Big Remodeling

Written by
Jennie Lloyd
This is some text inside of a div block.

Not So Big Remodeling

Written by
Jennie Lloyd

We received an e-mail today announcing that Sarah Susanka’s book, Not So Big Remodeling has just been released in paperback.  So why are we posting that here?  Well, a few reasons.  We’re seeing an uptick in calls about potential remodeling projects and consider this book an excellent resource for visually showing and explaining “not so big” principles of remodeling, something we espouse. The “not so big” way seeks to maximize a home’s potential by working within the existing footprint, creating a bump out, or adding on just a little.  Hundreds of photos illustrate these concepts,  and honestly, who doesn’t love a good before and after photo?  One of our projects, (our own home) was featured in this book and reminded me of the process we went through when we decided to remodel.  Warren’s design utilized unfinished attic space, reconfigured existing spaces, featured a bump out in the dining room and a modest addition to the rear of the house, adding only 450 square feet to the footprint of the house (see first two before & after photos below). Not So Big Remodeling is available at the Salt Lake City Public Library and online.

Speaking of before & after photos, yesterday Warren and I attended a photo shoot of one of his projects, a recently remodeled home in the Country Club neighborhood of Salt Lake.  We can hardly wait to post the photos–the project turned out beautifully and exemplifies a remodel that didn’t add any square footage but vastly improved the flow of traffic and functionality of the home.  It’s a gem.  In the meantime,  here are a few before and after exterior photos of some of our remodeling projects:

Military Drive House Before:

Military Drive House After:

Sixth & Sixth Office Building Before:

Sixth & Sixth Office Building After: